Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Current Projects

 Kooser News

Even though this class has only lasted a semester, I have learned a tremendous amount. I have pushed myself to try new things and through this process have found incorporating technology into my lessons as simple, fun, and best of all engaging for my students! My most current project, which I’m co-taught with my practicum student, has been my most favorite so far. Here’s what we did:

This unit was centered around our essential question “Who Helps You?” Students participated in a research project where they learned about an inventor who has helped make our lives easier with their creation. The class worked in partners to research this person using Pebblego and a graphic organizer my practicum student created. Here is a sample of a completed one:

Next, students worked to create a script using the information from their research. This script mimics one of a news reporter and was created using the Comic Life App. Partners transferred the information they found from research to their graphic organizer and then practiced reading parts for their presentation.

The class then delivered “The Kooser News” using a screencast, which makes them appear they are on a news set. This is how they shared their research. I also sent these links of the newscast to their parents so they could see what their child created. The links are below:

Poetry Celebration

Another fun project my class completed centered on Poetry. My students just finished a poetry unit and for our writing celebration, I wanted them to publish their work in a new, creative way. Mrs. Topp and I decided we would work on this project together and instead of sharing with only our class, we would invite each other's class too in order to make it more special. Students began this project by typing their poem on ReadWriteThink using their "Theme Poem" resource. After typing, students were able to send their poem to me and I printed them. Next, students illustrated their poems and mounted them on paper. Lastly, I took a photo of each poem and uploaded it to SeeSaw. Students then recorded their voices reading their poem. After that, we were ready and excited to share. Mrs. Topp's classroom came to ours and we were able to show off all our hard work with our presentation. Below is a link to one of the poems. 

SeeSaw Poem


  1. I love how you used screencast to deliver the news! I bet the students had a lot of fun with this. Lots of technology used in this project...love it!

  2. The screencast was terrific! I did not understand that app when I first looked at it. I need to give it another try. I also liked the way you added poems to the SeeSaw app. How could all the poems be put in one place? Ideas anyone?

  3. The screencast was terrific! I did not understand that app when I first looked at it. I need to give it another try. I also liked the way you added poems to the SeeSaw app. How could all the poems be put in one place? Ideas anyone?

  4. The screencast was amazing!! The students did a fantastic job!! I also love the SeeSaw app. Can't wait to try both in my classroom.

  5. They had to love this- especially with the comic strip talk bubbles as visuals.

  6. Your Kooser News screencasts are amazing! It sounds like students were engaged in this project, and I bet they enjoyed being a news reporter. I would love to have my students use TouchCast to relay learning objectives to parents instead of sending newsletters!

  7. Cool Screencasts. I am sure kids loved to see and hear themselves! Would love to try this!

  8. I need to try out this app. It looks like fun. Our kids would enjoy seeing themselves and it would be fun to have them report on Rousseau's happenings and to add it to our school website/facebook!
